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DIR [-Q] [-R] [source1] [source2] ...

* Lists the directory of the "source" to the screen. Hitting space
  will pause the listing and backspace will continue it. Files are
  shown with their size in bytes. DIR lists the current directory
  if no parameter is given. If "source" is a filename, then only
  that file is listed. If the  option  "-q" is not given, the filenames
  will be sorted alphabetically. With the  option  "-R" given
  it will  list  recursive.
* All files/dirs with the H-bit (see  PROTECT ) set, will not be shown.
  All files that are ignored by  FILENAMECOMPLETION  are also hidden.
* If it is a link, it shows H (for hardlinks) or S (for softlinks) after
  the filesize. See  MAKELINK .

eg.     dir df0:
        dir -q devs:printers/hp*